Friday, April 22, 2011

Seven Year Itch

The other day, I told Steve I wanted to move. We've been in our house for a little over six years now, and I'm kinda tired of some of the people that we live by. I'm ready to meet some new people. They talk about the seven year itch for marriages, and I'm wondering if it applies to friends as well. Does it take a little over six years to REALLY get to know someone, and then can you only hack it for year before you just have to get out?

I have been in a couple of social situations recently where I realized that I can't stand hanging around some people anymore. When I first met them, we had some things in common, but then it seems like we have been having the same conversations about the same things for the last six years, and now, it's kind of boring. And I've realized that some of my friendships are all one sided. Them always asking for my help, and never willing to give anything in return. And then there are those who will only help you if there's something in it for them. I can really do without those kind of people you know.

Don't get me wrong, there are some people I live by that I absolutely LOVE to hang out with. We have actual, meaningful conversations, different ones every time too. However if we were to move, I'd still hang out with them. And there are still some that I would love to get to know better. But what do you do with the ones you're sick of? Could it be that if you stuck it out long enough, you could find out why you were friends in the first place? Is it even worth it? Some are really draining you know... needy, judgemental, flakey...

Well I guess one thing is for sure, if you've made it as my friend after 7 years, you're my friend for life! Just sayin'.

{As I side note, I really won't ever move, unless I absolutely HAVE to - I really like my house.}


Lhone said...

i hope those tiresome people don't read your blog...hee hee. But, I am the opposite. I don't get to know people until about 5 years of being aroudn them. I'm too shy to talk to them or really let them into my life. So, really, you just need to stop being so social. Don't talk to them, and you won't have to worry about whether they are boring or not.

James Hatch said...

That's why TV should be your friend. You can always just change the channel.

Dean and Cindy Hatch said...

I knew TV was good for something, kind of like skydiving...Love, Mom

Christine said...

Some of those folks are bound to read your blog ... and then you'll be left in the uncomfortable position of what to say when they invariably ask if you meant them. Better to not make any "friends" in the first place ... like you, I'm just saying.

Cynthia Hatch said...

Well this was a brave post if you have friends reading it. Hahaha. I have been wishing that we would just get the chance to stay in one place for awhile. Dave and I have moved 7 times since we have been married and are looking at number 8. Someone will touch my life and then they are gone sooo fast. The longest I have lived in one spot is when we lived with Dean and Cindy. Just saying... There is good and bad with both of our situations. We always have a new adventure and a new start to life. But the friends come and go and we are always looking for a friend. Good luck with finding a way to make a new start with the friends you have. :-)