Why is it that we are "adults" and can't get past high school? We still have our little group of friends (hard to join and hard to quit), there is definately an "in-crowd", some people are still considered nerds, there's the smart people, the athletic ones, and the music people (HFACers we called them in College - you know, the people at BYU who were music majors and ALWAYS singing in public) and to top it all off we still have the economic status issue to deal with.
I look at our kids, and it is totally rubbing off on them. In fact the other day my four year old and her friend were making a "club" and on their entrance sign, they wanted it to say that no "weird" people were allowed. And she said, (and I am quoting) "You know, witches, ogres and fat people!" Yep, just like that she already thinks that fat people are weird.
We have "clubs" of our own, book groups, play groups for our kids, people we exercise with, bowling leagues, and PTA stuff. Our kids see us "grouping" and they follow suit. Of course we make ourselves feel better by saying anyone is welcome, but are they? Do people feel like they can just join if they want? Maybe you are actually a very inviting person, but do your kids know that? Do they see you invite someone who may not seem to fit in as much?
I am ranting to myself just as much because that's me I just described, I know that I am so excited to "belong" somewhere and be included, but do I make others feel that way? I don't know. At the same time, I prefer the smaller groups where you can actually carry on a conversation and feel like you can get a word in edge-wise.
So, we have these groups and we have our "clubs" that we fit in, and honestly I don't find any problem with that, but does it affect our kids? Do they feel like they can be friends with kids whose parents aren't friends of their parents?
I know that there are some people that I would like to be friends with, but don't think that they would want to be friends with me. I hear of them doing things together and wish I could too. I look at some of the "athletic people" and wish that I were considered "athletic" too. I don't dress as well as the "in-crowd" and I am certainly not an interior decorator, and my house isn't as cute. But why do I care? Why am I bothered? This isn't High School anymore, or is it? Does it ever end? And am I affecting the way my kids' "high school" experience will be? I don't know, I'm just sayin'.