Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Bare Chest Backlash

The Bare Chest Backlash

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We caught this on Nightline on Monday. And after looking for the video, I found that it originally aired in January. It's good news for people like Steve. What do you think? Bald or "man fur"?


BlaineUSA said...

I'm a sexy Beast! Yeah Baby!!!

BlaineUSA said...

Actually, this was funny. I clicked on the video at my quiet office, and I didn't realize the volume on my computer was set so high, so the first sentance of the news cast comes BLARING out of the speakers: THEY'RE CALLED RETRO-SEXUALS. . .

Ha. Yeah. . .everyone wondered what I was watching. Good stuff.

My favorite line though was this: It just makes me feel like everything's going to be all right.

. . . so yeah, Lisa, sleep comfortable tonight, because with me. . . everything IS going to be all right. :)